In [6]:
%matplotlib inline
from preamble import *
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 # This controls the size of your figures
# Comment out and restart notebook if you only want the last output of each cell.
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"
In [ ]:
# This is a temporary read-only OpenML key. Replace with your own key later.
oml.config.apikey = '11e82c8d91c5abece86f424369c71590'
SVMs can be trained with different kernels. Generate a 2-dimensional dataset as shown below and study the effect of the choice of kernel by visualizing the results.
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X, y = make_blobs(centers=2, n_samples=1000, random_state=0)
The Wall Robot Navigation dataset contains about 5500 readings of an ultrasound sensor array mounted on a robot, and your task is to finetune and train an SVM classifier to predict how the robot should move next.
In [4]:
robot_data = oml.datasets.get_dataset(1497) # Download Robot data
# Get the predictors X and the labels y
X, y = robot_data.get_data(target=robot_data.default_target_attribute);
A benchmark study is an experiment in which multiple algorithms are evaluated on multiple datasets. The end goal is to study whether one algorithm is generally better than the others. Meaningful benchmark studies can grow quite complex, here we do a simplified variant.
Consider the RAM prices dataset (included in the data folder). Separate the data in a training set of all data points up until the year 2000, and a test set with all points after that.
In [3]:
ram_prices = pd.read_csv('data/ram_price.csv')
plt.semilogy(, ram_prices.price)
plt.ylabel("Price in $/Mbyte");
The goal here is to use everything you have learned to build the best model for a given classification task. The task is hosted on OpenML, so you will receive the train-test splits, and your model will be evaluated on the server. The goal is to reasonably select algorithms and hyperparameter settings to obtain the best model. You can also do model selection and parameter optimization as you have done before. Skeleton code is provided in the OpenML tutorial.
Note: Report AUC scores in your report as well. In case of issues with OpenML we will use the experiments and scores mentioned your report.
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